如彼遡风、亦孔之僾。 民有肃心、荓云不逮。 好是稼穑、力民代食。 稼穑维宝、代食维好。 《诗.大雅.桑柔》 Literal translation. Like that (man)against wind. Also greatly (suffix) pants. People have ready mind Obliged (to) say (we) cannot come (to anything effective) Good thing sowing reaping. Strength people for food Sowing reaping alone valuable. (To work) for food alone good. Literal Translation [2] Like man that against wind. Also greatly I pant. People have ready mind Obliged to say it's no effect. Good thing sowing reaping. Strength of people for food Sowing reaping is valuable. To work for food is good. Paraphrastic rendering [1] . Against that hostile northern gale The panting traveller's strength must fail. Willingly would the people bring Good words of wisdom to their king. But, ah ! they are compelled to say The time to act is far away. Doubtless 'tis better for me now To seek the fields and delve and plough, Eschew state service, and instead Toil with the people for their bre