钟子期死于疾病,究其病因,有的说是过度思念俞伯牙,抑郁成疾。 今天读到一段,几乎破坏了那种浪漫,却让人感觉到很真实。 话说,俞伯牙与钟子期相约来年的中秋相见,伯牙如期来到马鞍山下汉水边,却不见钟子期。因为附近还有几艘船,而他乘坐的船跟去年的不同,担心钟子期认不出来。于是,他开始调弦准备弹奏,期望用琴声提醒钟子期他如约到来。但他的琴弦发出悲哀的声音,似乎哀叹死去的亲人。于是他想是否钟子期的年迈的父母亲去世了。他山上寻找,路边碰到一个须发飘白的老者。得知钟子期已经病故,老者说: ' My own son ! Last year at this time, as he was out cutting wood, he met a statesman of Tsin, named Yu Peh-ya, who became attached to him, presenting him with two ingots of gold as he went away. My son bought many books, and studied hard, so as to be worthy of his kindness. Returning with his heavy faggots, he would read on into the night, until he fell ill, and after some months he died ! ' 钟子期拿俞伯牙送给他的金条,买了很多书研读,所以能够配得上俞伯牙,不辜负知遇之恩。他每天山上砍柴回来,刻苦研读一直到深夜,以至于积老成疾,几个月后去世。