小雅‧鴻鴈之什‧黃鳥 黃鳥黃鳥,無集于穀,無啄我粟。 此邦之人,不我肯穀。言旋言歸,復我邦族。 黃鳥黃鳥,無集于桑,無啄我粱。 此邦之人,不可與明。言旋言歸,復我諸兄。 黃鳥黃鳥,無集于栩,無啄我黍。 此邦之人,不可與處。言旋言歸,復我諸父。 English Translated by W. Jennings YELLOW birds, yellow birds ! Do not crowd the tree-tops ; Come not pecking our crops. From the folk of this land We no welcoming win ; Up, let us return To our country and kin. Yellow birds, yellow birds ! Not the mulberry-trees. Come not pecking our maize. With the folk of this land Understanding is vain ; Up, let us return To our brethren again. Yellow birds, yellow birds ! Nor the thicket of thorn. Come not pecking our corn. With the folk of this land We can never remain ; Up, let us return To our fathers again. 可见,移民在人类历史上,从来就不受本地人的欢迎。