温哥华中华文化中心被人涂鸦,玻璃上被涂满了大片辱华文字,包括“就地枪杀中国佬”(Shoot Chinks at This Stop),“全赶出加拿大”(Drive them out of Canada)等字样。
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Lets Put a Stop to Chiks Comming to Canada, Shoot them on the spot. 让我们阻止中国佬进入加拿大,把他们就地枪决。 Shoot Chinks on the stop, Drive them out of Canada. 就地枪杀中国佬,全赶出加拿大。 |
这个Chink本意透光的小缝隙,意译为窄眼,是英文中一个种族性的污辱用语,对象是中国人、华人或东亚裔人士。汉语中通常将该词翻译成中国佬。十九世纪末,美国排华法案通过后,Chink 一字便渐渐流行起来。
Ching Chong, Chinaman,(敲铁拟声词,中国佬)
Sitting on a rail.(坐在铁轨前)
Along came a white man,(远处过来一个白人)
And chopped off his tail.(剪掉了他的“尾巴”)
清朝末年的华人,主要参与修铁路或淘金,所以这首儿歌里描述一个中国佬坐在铁轨上,这里的“尾巴”是指清朝男人的辫子。ching chong,ching chang chong流行语全世界英语国家,这些国家的华人,对这些场面大概不会觉得陌生,就是:一群小孩从你旁边跑过,一边高喊“清清呛呛冲冲咖喱鸡炒饭”。
Hong Kong
“These people are an effected , they should be killed and sent back to their place of born. Stay out of Canada let's stop them comming to our beautiful canada. They come here by the boat loads to kill our people. Lets put a stop to them comming here. If they are found here kill them on the sopt. Just like Hiter do to the Jews. To stop this we need to stand stront and top them at once. We need kill them just like Hiter did to the Jews. If we did this and stood strong we would solve the problem at once. Stop letting the Chinks come to Canada. Some com are populate our great beautiful mother land Canada.”