[这首民歌摘自E.T.C. Werner,Chinese ditties, 有删改。民国以前曾流行于湖北和安徽一带。] 将军打马过田庄 见一公公在路旁 请问公公多少岁 可有儿郎可有女 可有家当并田庄 老汉今年九十九 老妻一百差一双 等到皇上开金榜 明年挂个百岁坊 五个孩儿不学艺 都在朝中伴君王 大儿当朝为宰相 二儿礼部在中堂 三儿云南为总督 礼部天官第四郎 要算五儿年纪小 新科独占状元郎 还有小女十八岁 朝中选去做娘娘 A general, when riding across a farm, saw an old man standing by the roadside. He said to him: "May I ask your age, Sir, your native place, how many sons and daughters you have, and the value of your real and personal property?" "I am ninety-nine this year," he answered, "my wife is a hundred less a couple of years. When the emperor next issues the 'golden list', I will have a p'ai-lou erected to me in honour of my having completed the century. I have five uncultured sons. They are all serving the emperor in the court. The eldest holds the position of Prime Minister ; the second is President of the Board of Rites ; the third has been appointed Viceroy of Yünnan , the fourth is President of the Board of...