Isis, Isil, IS or Daesh 02 December 2015 18:08 Jihadist 圣战者 Muslim Caliphs: 穆斯林哈里发 IS : Isla mic State 伊斯兰国 ISIS: "Islamic State in Iraq and Syria" or "Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham" 伊拉克和大叙利亚伊斯兰国 , Al-Sham 翻译黎凡特 (L e vant) 为大叙利亚、叙利亚甚至大马士革 ISIL: "Islamic State in Iraq and Levant", Levant 是指地中海东部地区 Daish : 是阿拉伯语 "al-Dawla al-Islamiya fil Iraq wa al-Sham" 的缩写 Sent from Mail for Windows 10