上个星期,看赫尔摩斯探案,罪犯目标就是Royal Mint,那是皇家铸金砖的工厂,他用毒气将工人弄昏过去,然后,将所有的金砖吊到下水道里,下面有人接应,当然他没有成功。
今天,读一本本地历史的书,里面谈到古代本地铸钱,里面有一句是这样的,It had its own mint from the mid 10th century and the first coins had the name Deorabi stamped upon them。然后我恍然大悟,mint还有钱币铸造厂的意思。mint还是一个动词,Coin of the time of King Aethelred, stamped 'Deorby'. Taken from a page of Anglo-Saxon coins minted at Derby. 这里当“铸造“的意思。
知道一点英语的人都应该知道money,mint的词源跟money有关,拉丁语moneta, 古英语mynit或者munita,跟mint的读音都很接近。
1. place where money is coined by authority of the government
2. coin
3. a vast sum of money,often followed by `of, ex. He made a mint on the stock market
4. perfect
5. form by stamping, punching, or printing
上个星期,看赫尔摩斯探案,罪犯目标就是Royal Mint,那是皇家铸金砖的工厂,他用毒气将工人弄昏过去,然后,将所有的金砖吊到下水道里,下面有人接应,当然他没有成功。
今天,读一本本地历史的书,里面谈到古代本地铸钱,里面有一句是这样的,It had its own mint from the mid 10th century and the first coins had the name Deorabi stamped upon them。然后我恍然大悟,mint还有钱币铸造厂的意思。mint还是一个动词,Coin of the time of King Aethelred, stamped 'Deorby'. Taken from a page of Anglo-Saxon coins minted at Derby. 这里当“铸造“的意思。
知道一点英语的人都应该知道money,mint的词源跟money有关,拉丁语moneta, 古英语mynit或者munita,跟mint的读音都很接近。
1. place where money is coined by authority of the government
2. coin
3. a vast sum of money,often followed by `of, ex. He made a mint on the stock market
4. perfect
5. form by stamping, punching, or printing