中国古代,用于写字的丝绸叫“纸”,从这个汉字的偏旁“纟”还能看出来。读《中国通史》(Du Halde), 里面有一段:
He (唐玄宗) placed in his Palace, with great Solemnity, the Statue of Lao kiun (老君), Author of one of the Sects which are found in China, whose Disciples, as well as the Bonzes, used to burn at Funerals Silk-stuffs, and Ingots of Silver. The Emperor, by the Advice of his Brother Van yu (王玙), altered this Custom, and commanded that for the future they should burn none but Stuffs or Cloths made of Paper, which is still in use among the Bonzes.
He (唐玄宗) placed in his Palace, with great Solemnity, the Statue of Lao kiun (老君), Author of one of the Sects which are found in China, whose Disciples, as well as the Bonzes, used to burn at Funerals Silk-stuffs, and Ingots of Silver. The Emperor, by the Advice of his Brother Van yu (王玙), altered this Custom, and commanded that for the future they should burn none but Stuffs or Cloths made of Paper, which is still in use among the Bonzes.