"深度假冒(Deep Fake)"或者"深度造假",這個術語來自於人工智能的"深度學習(Deep Learning)"和"造假(Fake)",共和黨候選人溫妮·赫斯朗博士在這篇長達23頁的文章中,提出"黑人的命也是命"(Black Live Matters)或者"黑人命貴"運動的導火索喬治·弗洛伊德之死是一個陰謀。"我不能呼吸"的視頻是一個通過人工智能"深度學習"技術造假的結果。
I write with a sense of urgency, yet I have a blessed assurance that truth will prevail in the case of the death of Mr. George Perry Floyd at the hands of police officer Derek Chauvin. On May 31, 2020, I released a video message which urged black Americans to “stop being so emotional” and other Americans to “stop feeling guilt-ridden” but, instead, ask questions. That video went viral in the United States and Europe. I also received hundreds of messages from people in Austria, Australia, Czech Republic, Ireland, Germany, Slovakia, South Africa, and Spain who agreed with the premise of the message and began researching the facts of Mr. Floyd’s death. Ordinary Americans and people of goodwill around the world dug deep into internet archives to find information that might explain what happened to Floyd.
我写得很紧迫,但我有幸保证,在乔治·佩里·弗洛伊德先生在警官德里克·肖文(Derek Chauvin)手中去世的情况下,真理将占上风。 2020年5月31日,我发布了一条视频消息,敦促美国黑人“不再那么情绪化”,而其他美国人则“不再感到內疚”。该视频在美国和欧洲廣泛流傳。我还收到了来自奥地利,澳大利亚,捷克共和国,爱尔兰,德国,斯洛伐克,南非和西班牙的数百封邮件,他们同意視頻中提出的假設前提,并开始研究弗洛伊德先生去世的事实。普通美国人和世界各地的好心人深入互联网档案库,以寻找可以解释弗洛伊德事件的信息。
Before I present our findings, I will summarize the main points and conclusions of this report. In summary, the evidence suggests that Mr. George Perry Floyd is dead. Mr. Floyd died in 2016 in Texas. However, Mr. Stephen Jesse Jackson is very much alive as is Mr. Derek Chauvin. Overwhelming evidence suggests that Mr. Jackson played the character of Mr. Floyd in the arrest video. However, the person in the arrest video is neither Floyd nor Jackson but rather a digital composite of both men using deep fake technology. Similarly, we theorize that officer Derek Chauvin in the arrest video is also a composite. We conclude that no one in the video is really one person but rather they are all digital composites of two or more real people to form completely new digital persons using deepfake technology.
在介绍我们的发现之前,我将总结本报告的要点和结论。总而言之,证据表明乔治·佩里·弗洛伊德先生早已经去世。弗洛伊德先生于2016年在德克萨斯州去世。但是,斯蒂芬·杰西·杰克逊先生和德里克·乔文先生都还活着。大量证据表明,杰克逊先生在逮捕录像中扮演了弗洛伊德先生。但是,逮捕录像中的那个人既不是弗洛伊德也不是杰克逊,而是使用深度假冒技术将两人的数字复合而成。同样,我们将逮捕录像中的德里克·乔文(Derek Chauvin)军官也合成为一个理论。我们得出的结论是,视频中没有人真的是一个人,而是他们都是两个或多个真实人的数字复合物,从而使用深度假冒(#Deepfake)技术构成了全新的数字人。
Today, on June 14, 2020, on behalf of “WE THE PEOPLE,” I present evidence that suggests that Mr. Jackson and other actors participated in a videographic false flag event using deepfake technology to stoke racial tensions between black and white Americans which reinvigorated the flailing radical Black Lives Matter movement. The actions of these actors led to the death of actual civilians and police officers throughout the United States and the world. It is my sincere hope that the FBI will intervene to discover who the players are and hold them accountable for their actions.